Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Development and Diversity Essay Example for Free

Advancement and Diversity Essay At the point when a kid is considered they start to create in the mother whom and keep on creating until adulthood. Today we take a gander at these turns of events and find better approaches to instruct youngsters that all create at various rates. Since the beginning kid improvement was disregarded and little consideration was paid to the points of interest in their initial capacities, for example, language use, and physical development that happens during youth and puberty. During the time there has been numerous individuals have thought of hypotheses that help the development of the improvement of kids. I will discuss one of these hypotheses here. B. F. Skinner, who completed test work for the most part in near brain science from the 1930s to the 1950s, however remained behaviorisms most popular scholar and example for all intents and purposes until his passing in 1990, built up a particular sort of behaviorist way of thinking, which came to be called radical behaviorism. He additionally professed to have discovered another form of mental science, which he called conduct examination or the exploratory investigation of conduct (Richard Culatta) The behaviorist hypothesis is a perspective that works on a standard of â€Å"stimulus-reaction. All conduct brought about by outer improvements all conduct can be disclosed without the need to think about interior mental states or awareness. Originators and significant supporters of this hypothesis are John B. Watson, Ivan Pavlov, B. F. Skinner. The behaviorist hypothesis is dependent on positive and negative criticism to understudies in a homeroom. It is an approach to prepare the understudies in learning the right way so they can continue moving onto the degree of their training. A model can be a mouse in an enclosure that is extremely parched. Well the mouse will do and give anything to get a shot of that pen to get something to drink however when it finds the taking care of jug and see that it should simply push the little tab on the conclusion to get some water the mouse is fulfilled. The equivalent go for understudies and kids. Youngsters will battle without holding back to attempt to escape whatever they don't care for however on the off chance that they see an award toward the end they will remain with it to get the prize. This keeps them engaged and controlled simultaneously. There are three fundamental supporters of this hypothesis John B. Watson, Ivan Pavlov, B. F. Skinner. These three have all added to this hypothesis somehow. John B. Watson led research on creatures, kids, and promoting to assist the hypothesis. Ivan Pavlov led research on personality of kids, molding and automatic reflex activities. At last B. F. Skinner concocted his own way of thinking called radical behaviorism. These men have assisted with enhancing the hypothesis to assist us with comprehension children’s learn and improvement better so we can show them in better manners. Training is the thing that endures when what has been realized has been forgotten† (B. F. Skinner) The hypothesis of behaviorism can be utilized in a homeroom setting from numerous points of view. The manner in which it is utilized that will decide whether it works for the educator and the understudy or damages the instructor and the understudy. Giving youngsters objectives at an early age to achieve errands in the study hall can be a great thing. Kids consistently need a prize for the things they do. They are instructed that at an early age with their folks while doing thing like getting their rooms and getting an award for that at home. Well that conveys into the study hall setting moreover. To compensate understudies is giving them extremely positive input on their work numerous instructors utilize the star framework. An enormous outline on the divider with all the student’s names and stars for the great work they have done. This gives understudies a little push to do their best since they need those stars so they can be glad or even get a compensation for the most stars. This is a good thought as a rule however instructors should be cautious with this additionally in light of the fact that it can blowback on them. In the event that you have an understudy that is a more slow student and doesn't get stars like the others this can hurt that understudy and their learning. Truly there has be negative criticism with positive input however in the event that all the youngster gets is negative criticism it can prompt them simply surrendering and we don't need that. So we need to walk an almost negligible difference with regards to utilizing various methods in the study hall. All understudies are unique and learn extraordinary so we need to work around that so the entirety of our understudies get similar training as the other. You can utilize exercises in your homeroom that accompany behaviorism and that will profit your understudies from multiple points of view. For instance take ten sentences that accompany your exercise plan. Let's assume you are instructing about creatures in your group this week you can make up ten sentences and keep single word separate from each sentence. At that point you would list the missing words faulty and have the youngsters fill in the spaces with the words that are out of the way. You can give compensations for their work to invigorate them in giving a valiant effort by giving a sticker for every one they get right. This is a decent method to do it since you have a great possibility of getting at any rate one sticker and all are upbeat yet the greater part of the children will do well since they are going to go after somet hing other than one. There are a wide range of hypotheses in instruction that can help an instructor in the study hall. These all work to give the understudy a superior learning experience. It is the manner in which you use them that will decide whether they work or not for you and your understudies. With behaviorism you have to give positive and negative input to your understudy it is that you need to walk a barely recognizable difference so you don't dishearten your understudies from adapting yet make them need to be the best understudy they can be.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Lautreamonts Sewing Machine and Umbrella Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Lautreamonts Sewing Machine and Umbrella - Essay Example Portrayals of Lautreamont’s work reverberation a similar kind of impacts recognized in Dali’s work about a century after Lautreamont’s demise. Working with writing instead of paint, Lautreamont painted pictures in the brain of his perusers that were clearly realistic and through and through upsetting in their character. â€Å"One of the soonest and most surprising instances of surrealist composing, Lautreamont’s dream uncovers a world †half vision, half-bad dream †of heavenly attendants and undertakers, bisexuals and pederasts, crazy people and unusual youngsters. The composing is doused with an unreasonable brutality and danger, and the self important by turns †has a striking dreamlike quality† (Siquiera, n.d.). Lautreamont’s adequacy is deciphered especially in his capacity to precisely introduce a striking portrayal of an ordinary item or animal with such meticulousness and such exact choice of language that his pictures jum p off the pages to turn out to be genuine before the eyes of the peruser, for example, in his different employments of creatures to all the more completely speak to his expectations. â€Å"These animals are given the sharp eye of the scholar. By comparing humankind to creatures, Lautreamont accomplishes a twofold impact: man appears to be corrupted and simultaneously, raised: to resemble a creature man must be freed of every one of his demands and vanities. It is this falsification to culture and edified conduct that sicken Lautreamont/Maldoror†.

See below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8

See beneath - Essay Example It examines the practices depicted by the company. It likewise talks about and offers proposals to the manners in which the enterprise needs to do to nature. Lastly, the article gives the most significant contemplations a company needs to consider. Having a powerful urge for more riches, assets and influence more than a person’s needs can prompt an individual to do things that will hurt others just to fulfill that longing. Being eager can lead an individual to do activities, for example, yielding the wellbeing, satisfaction and the privileges of others for fulfilling one’s self. Monsanto is a major business that can be discovered all around the globe. It is a company that has existed in the year 1901. A 42-year-old, John F. Queeny, whose activity is to buy under the Drug Company of the Meyer siblings began this business. The name was taken from the last name of his better half for the explanation that the last name of his significant other is notable to others particularly to the Germans that are dependable in providing merchandise. During that time, they named their organizations utilizing their last names. They had been finding and assembling items in association with the homesteads and dairy cattle for quick creation that drives them to higher benefits. From the earliest starting point, Monsanto Corporation has been asserting that their primary reason for existing is for the ranchers and for the earth. Their principle objective is to help the ranchers every way under the sun so as to deliver more yields. One of their objectives is to use as meager of the assets, for example, the dirt and water as could be expected under the circumstances with the goal that these assets will keep going quite a while. Be that as it may, the partnership is the main violators of their objectives. They did the inverse for higher benefits. They torment the ranchers for benefits by suing them to court and solicited them enormous sum from cash. The measure of cash that the two gatherings consented to pay isn't uncovered to the open which implies that the enterprise is as it were

Friday, August 21, 2020

Black Holes Essay Stephen Hawking Example For Students

Dark Holes Essay Stephen Hawking Dark HOLESInto the Depths of A Black HoleEveryday we watch out upon the night sky, pondering and longing for what lies past our planet. The universe that we live in is so assorted and novel, and it premiums us to find out pretty much all the difference that lies outside our ability to comprehend. Inside this wonder of miracles our universe holds a puzzle that is exceptionally hard to comprehend due to the intricacies that emerge when attempting to look at and investigate the standards of room. That puzzle happens to be that of the ever surreptitious, dark hole.This article will ideally give you the information and comprehension of the ideas, properties, and procedures associated with the space marvel of the dark gap. It will portray how a dark gap isgenerally shaped, how it capacities, and the impacts it has on the universe. So as to comprehend what precisely a dark opening is, we should initially investigate the reason for the reason for a dark gap. Every single dark opening are sha ped from the gravitational breakdown of a star, for the most part having agreat, enormous, center. A star is made when immense, huge, gas mists tie together because of appealing powers and structure a hot center, consolidated from all the vitality of the two gas mists. This vitality delivered is so greatwhen it initially impacts, that an atomic response happens and the gases inside the star begin to consume constantly. The Hydrogen gas is normally the primary sort of gas expended in a star and afterward different gas components, for example, Carbon, Oxygen, and Helium are consumed.This chain response fills the star for millions or billions of years relying on the measure of gases there are. The star figures out how to abstain from falling now in light of the harmony accomplished without anyone else. The gravitational draw from the center ofthe star is equivalent to the gravitational draw of the gases framing a kind of circle, anyway when this correspondence is broken the star can go into severaldifferent stages.Usually if the star is little in mass, the majority of the gases will beconsumed while some of it get away. This happens in light of the fact that there isn't atremendous gravitational draw upon those gases and subsequently the starweakens and decreases. It is then alluded to as a White Dwarf. On the off chance that the star was to have a bigger mass be that as it may, at that point it might possiblySupernova, implying that the atomic combination inside the star essentially runs wild making the star detonate. In the wake of detonating a small amount of the star is normally left (on the off chance that it has not transformed into unadulterated gas) and that division of the star is known as a neutron star.A dark gap is one of the last choice that a star may take. In the event that the center of the star is so monstrous (roughly 6-8 sun powered masses; one sun based mass being equivalent to the suns mass) at that point all things considered, when the stars gases are nearly devoured those gases will crumple internal, constrained into the center by the gravitational power laid upon them.After a dark gap is made, the gravitational power keeps on pulling in space flotsam and jetsam and other kind of issues to help add to the mass of the center, making the gap more grounded and more powerful.Most dark gaps will in general be in a predictable turning motion.This movement assimilates different issue and twists it inside the ring (known asthe Event Horizon) that is conformed to the dark gap. The issue keeps inside the Event Horizon until it has spun into the middle where it isconcentrated inside the center adding to the mass. Such turning dark gaps are known as Kerr Black Holes. Most dark gaps circle around stars because of the way that they oncewere a star, and this may mess some up for the neighboring stars. In the event that a dark gap gets ground-breaking enough it might really maneuver a star into it and upset the circle of numerous dif ferent stars. The dark gap could then become much more grounded (from the stars mass) as to potentially retain another. At the point when a dark opening ingests a star, the star is first maneuvered into the Ergosphere, which clears all the issue into the Event Horizon, named forits level flat appearance and on the grounds that this happens to be the placewhere for the most part all the activity inside the dark gap happens. At the point when the star is passed on into the Event Horizon the light that the star suffers is bentwithin the current and accordingly can't be found in space. At this exactpoint in time, high measures of radiation are emitted, that with theproper gear can be identified and seen as a picture of a dark hole.Through this strategy cosmologists presently accept that they have discovered a dark opening known as Cygnus X1. This alleged dark gap has an enormous star circling around it, along these lines we expect there must be a dark gap that it is inorbit with. The ma in researchers to truly take an inside and out gander at dark gaps and the crumbling of stars, were a teacher, Robert Oppenheimer and hisstudent Hartland Snyder, in the mid nineteen hundreds. They closed based on Einsteins hypothesis of relativity that if the speed of light was the most extreme speed over any gigantic item, at that point nothing could get away from a dark gap once in its grip. **(1)The name dark opening was named such, due to the way that lightcould not escape from the gravitational draw from the center, accordingly making the dark gap unimaginable for people to see without utilizing technologicaladvancements for estimating such things like radiation. The second piece of the word was named opening because of the way that the real gap, is whereeverything is ingested and where the inside center manages. This center isthe fundamental piece of the dark gap where the mass is focused and shows up simply dark on all readings even using radiationdetection gadgets. Just as o f late a significant revelation was found with the assistance of a gadget known as The Hubble Telescope. This telescope has quite recently as of late saw what numerous stargazers accept as a dark opening, subsequent to being centered around a star circling void space. A few picture were sent back to Earth from the telescope demonstrating numerous PC upgraded pictures ofvarious radiation variances and other differing kinds of readings that could be perused from the territory where the dark gap is suspected to be in.Several charts were caused indicating how cosmologists to accept that if by one way or another you were to get by through the focal point of the dark opening that there would be sufficient gravitational power to conceivable twist you to anotherend known to man or perhaps to another universe. The inventive thoughts that can be theorized from this disclosure are perpetual. In spite of the fact that our universe is loaded up with much unexplained, glorious,phenomenons, it is our obligation to keep investigating them and to keep learning, however in the process we should not take any of it for granted.As you have perused, dark gaps are a significant point inside our universe and they contain so much interest that they might holdunlimited employments. Dark openings are a vibe that stargazers are still exceptionally astounded with. It appears that as we draw nearer to unraveling their reality and capacities, we simply end up with increasingly more questions.Although these inquiries simply lead us into an ever increasing number of unanswered issues we look for and discover asylum into them, dreaming that possibly one day, one far away inaccessible day, we will see all the originations and we will have the option to utilize the universe to further our potential benefit and go where just our fantasies could take us. Works CitedDepths of a Black Hole**(1): Parker, Barry. Impacting Galaxies. 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Review of Research Paper on Insulin :: Biology Diabetes

Missing Graphs Foundation: How about we return to the 1920s, when diabetes was found and the investigation of glucose started. There was a researcher named Minkowsky, and he considered what caused diabetes. In this way, he accomplished something insane: He took a pee test from a typical patient and an example from a diabetic patient, and tasted them! He saw that the example from the diabetic patient was sweet, so he reasoned that diabetes had something to do with high glucose levels (bunches of sugar in the blood). Around the same time, two researchers named Benting and Best played out another test to see which synthetically made pancreas would do the best occupation in bringing down glucose levels. This prompted the revelation of insulin. Proceeding onward to the 1940s, researchers were interested about what precisely insulin needed to do with glucose. Essentially, insulin builds the measure of glucose that gets moved to the plasma layer of each cell in your body, so the breakdown of glucose will be quicker. Presently, the inquiry was amount versus quality: did insulin really make the glucose transporters work better, or did insulin essentially expand the quantity of glucose transporters inside every cell? This is the thing that this paper answers. Methodology: When taking a gander at the techniques in this paper, it is anything but difficult to get lost and befuddled in the midst of all the logical terms and entangled language. In any case, when separated into more straightforward terms, the strategies utilized in the test in the paper become much more clear and make a reason for understanding for the rest of the paper. Following is a short and reasonable clarification of the techniques utilized in the paper and furthermore a clarification of the investigation that was performed to reach to resolutions in the paper. * The main technique referenced in the paper is the collagenase strategy. This technique alludes to the collagen that holds the fat cells that were removed from the rodents together. * This strategy is basically the separating of the collagen between the phones so as to isolate and seclude them. * Another technique utilized in the paper is refereed to when looking at homogenizing the cells. * This technique alludes to stirring up and pounding of the fat cells to make into an equitably circulated soup like substance that would then be able to be utilized in the analysis. # When the homogenized soup is readied, it is them placed into an axis tube and centrifuged.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Separation of Powers Essay - 275 Words

Separation of Powers (Essay Sample) Content: Name:Instructor:Course:Date:Separation of PowersThe concept of federalism has its hinges on the division of powers to govern. Most commonly, these powers are divided between one central governing body and the various entities such as States or Provinces that are tied together by the jurisdiction of the central authority. These political entities exercise some level of autonomy in crafting laws and dealing with governing issues of their local governments. The United States, Canada, Mexico, Nigeria, Australia and India are some of the countries that practice the Federalist system of governance. Conventionally, the distribution of these powers is laid out in the Constitutions of these countries. Types of federalism include the Dual federalism where the federal government hold more power than the constituent political units; the Cooperative federalism that shares power equally between State and Nation; the Fiscal federalism, which interestingly, overrides the other system s as the controller of the National budget has more power than the rest. In the United States, the U.S Congress holds such a position, as noted by May and Ides (2007). Other forms include the New federalism and Creative Federalism.Vile (2006) noted that Power struggles between regional and national governments have been commonplace ever since the introduction of this system. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Delegated powersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ of the Nation (U.S) and the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Reserved powersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ of the States have collided on several fronts that include State governance, enactment of laws and bi-laws, the judicial system among others where the procedure usually dictates that the federal government intervenes in the alleged excesses of the State government or to put it in different light, protects the citizenry against perceived harsh characteristics of an individual Stateà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s legislation. In such cases, the National government invokes the "supreme law of the land" bestowed to it by th e Constitution. These conflicts have also existed in the interpretations of parts of the constitution on the separation of powers, with each entity quoting from time to time the parts that favor them against the other. Article 1 of the American Constitution gives powers to the Congress to formulate and enact laws that serve the general interest of the people of America with a dotted line that disregards the opinion of individual State legislations as opined by May and Ides (2007). Through the judicial system, the Nation can use the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"judicial reviewà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ to strike down State laws it deems unconstitutional as exemplified in the examples below.The federal system is wont to conflicts arising from implementation and legislation. Vile (2006) detailed some of these cases that have pitted the federal government against the State governments. A good case in point is the implementation of the gun laws in Washington D.C. The State carries the reputation for the strictest la ws as pertains to handling of firearms. The prohibition of private gun ownership was overruled by the U.S Court of Appeals on grounds that it was unconstitutional and it undermined peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s right to defend themselves as per the 2nd Amendment. Here, the judicial system overruled the Stateà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s regulation against private ownership of guns. The tenth amendment was invoked in the 1997 case of Printz vs. United States, where the federal law was barred...

Friday, May 29, 2020

Airline Distribution System Essay - 2200 Words

Airline Distribution System (Essay Sample) Content: Airline Distribution SystemNameInstitution Airline Distribution SystemBenefits of Controlling Airline Ticket DistributionRecently, major United States airlines have taken radical changes in markets distribution, and one of the changes is controlling airline tickets distribution. The control of ticket distribution has brought about many advantages to major airline companies across the globe such as saving costs and that means coming up with a less expensive internet ticketing websites that bypass global distribution system as well as the associated booking fees (United States General Accounting Office, 2003). Internet ticketing has encouraged many passengers to book via internet websites, as they have perceived it as less expensive means of payment considering the traditional way whereby one had to visit the airline offices. Airlines have been able to trim the commission cost they paid travel agencies. Consumers who booked via the internet websites have benefited by b eing able to compare and access scheduling information and the price of their tickets independently, as well as access special low fare available on the internet (Paul, 2005). As far as the author is concerned, the strategy of controlling the distribution of airline tickets varies from one airline to the other because of different cultures; for instance, for a data vendor that is not global distribution system processes a booking made through Continental website and, on the other hand, Delta airline normally controls its ticket distribution through its computer reservation system. The strengths of airline distribution system are:Stress-free and queue-free booking of tickets.It is easier and quicker to use online booking platform through internet connection.Many global airlines give incentives to its customers when they book online.Booking online means that it is easy to track and compare prices.The weaknesses of airline distribution systems are:For an online booking system, the webs ite should be well-designed to put in place a direct link to the database, which is an information storage location.It should be reliable and if the system breaks down for various reasons, then information can be lost.The initial installation is expensive and depends on how airlines tend to customize it.In a scenario where the booking is made over the phone, staff must be used to make operations in the system.A software glitch can cause one buy the same ticket twice and then one has to contact customer care and stress oneself for reversal.Not all websites include taxes and charges in the costs when one start the booking process.Initially, the government formulated the CRS rules and regulations that are focused on reducing the market power of airline-owned CRSs to prevent owner airlines from using the CRSs to gain a competitive advantage over non-owner airlines. With the use of CRSs rules, global airlines have come up with the capability of developing innovative ideas on the Internet to limit distribution. The government has also promoted innovation, particularly the growth of the internet and these innovations occurred in the framework of federal regulations (Koenig, 2011). The CRS rules and regulations have been effective in addressing biased pricing as well as getting rid of the need for the CRS rules and those anticompetitive practices enforced through case-by-case antitrust investigations.Review of Delta Airline WebsiteDelta Airline website has a navigation bar that allows ease and consistent navigation through the website. It makes the website more user-friendly, for instance, there is distinct category for current flight status. As far as the author is concerned, Delta website pages are optimized, which may be attributed to optimizing images size, file format, avoiding unnecessary plug-in, avoiding text graphics, frequent website updates, avoiding multiple tracking scripts, and removing unnecessary codes and white spaces. Furthermore, the Delta airline s earch feature is optimized in the sense that when one searches a certain thing of interest, it will accurately respond to what is requested. The effective search feature may be attributed to including plenty of written content in HTML format, leveraging website links, and not using Flash and JavaScript objects on the website. Delta website is updated as all the recent information and breaking news are displayed; however, the site does not include a refresh link as it encourages users to search for updates. The frequent update of the website materials keep visitors coming back to receive news. The author perceives to be a great idea if Delta airline develop an automatic refreshing tool to enhance updated information.Delta Airline contain an experienced comparison chart that specifies different seating options for passengers to choose, which would be the best for them. Delta Airline product descriptions is accurate, clear, and comprehensive enough to allow customers to make appropriat e decisions, and can be attributed to the inclusion of visual images, and textual labeling of the product, for example, the shop link contains different hotel images, prices, location among other things. Despite integrating contact techniques such as mobile apps, Facebook and Twitter, the author believes it is not a convincing technique to customers and it may be discriminative to the passengers who do not have a smartphone. Therefore, the author would recommend the inclusion of the mobile phone number on the website homepage that would be convenient for the users in terms of seeking help. The products are not out-of-stock products flagged before the customer proceeds to the checkout process as customer can request for another product after checking out.Delta Airline is involved in a security flight to enhance the security of domestic and international commercial air travel that requires passengers to provide specific information for many U.S. air travels. Moreover, users are capabl e of moving through the checkout process with a reasonable amount of time as the required links of the entire processes are included on the website (United States General Accounting Office, 2003). According to the authors perspective, the payment options offered are not what potential customer desire. For instance, Delta Airline cannot accept some foreign-issued Diners Club cards among others. Most of the Delta Airline tickets are now electronic so passengers receive their receipts through their email address, which would appropriate for non-buyers. Safety is also ensured as long as the Elite Special Member Services line does not mail passengers ticket to another location other than the passengers billing address on record. Finally, ordering instructions are easy to understand as the language used is simple and precise.Review of JetBlue Airline WebsiteIt is easy to navigate through JetBlue Airline by use of its navigation bar, which contains distinct, consistent, familiar, simple, clear, ordered, styled, and visually separated menus that are easy to find and get users deeper into the site experience as well. The menu buttons on the navigation bar are of high contrast colors and legible text to attract customers attention. JetBlue Airline links have speedy response, which encourages passenger momentum of continuous engagement with the website. The JetBlue Airline search feature is more effective in comparison with Delta Airline, as it brings direct information based on a passenger request and it lists them as Help Solutions on the web page. Despite the fact that JetBlue Airline has updated information, the author perceives as a critical factor of integrating an automatic refreshing button probably after some time, which will enable users to have accurate transactions. However, the author would recommend having the search feature on the top of the page for ease of usability.It is easy to compare different products offered on JetBlue Airline website, and when se arching different hotels to use, the website displays the hotels available and the price that a customer requires. The display of the prices allows passengers to compare hotels in the number of options, such as price, time for departure or meals. For example, the website displays the top deals each day across various hotels in the US that help passengers to make concrete decisions (Perkins, 2012). The JetBlue airline prod... Airline Distribution System Essay - 2200 Words Airline Distribution System (Essay Sample) Content: Airline Distribution SystemNameInstitution Airline Distribution SystemBenefits of Controlling Airline Ticket DistributionRecently, major United States airlines have taken radical changes in markets distribution, and one of the changes is controlling airline tickets distribution. The control of ticket distribution has brought about many advantages to major airline companies across the globe such as saving costs and that means coming up with a less expensive internet ticketing websites that bypass global distribution system as well as the associated booking fees (United States General Accounting Office, 2003). Internet ticketing has encouraged many passengers to book via internet websites, as they have perceived it as less expensive means of payment considering the traditional way whereby one had to visit the airline offices. Airlines have been able to trim the commission cost they paid travel agencies. Consumers who booked via the internet websites have benefited by b eing able to compare and access scheduling information and the price of their tickets independently, as well as access special low fare available on the internet (Paul, 2005). As far as the author is concerned, the strategy of controlling the distribution of airline tickets varies from one airline to the other because of different cultures; for instance, for a data vendor that is not global distribution system processes a booking made through Continental website and, on the other hand, Delta airline normally controls its ticket distribution through its computer reservation system. The strengths of airline distribution system are:Stress-free and queue-free booking of tickets.It is easier and quicker to use online booking platform through internet connection.Many global airlines give incentives to its customers when they book online.Booking online means that it is easy to track and compare prices.The weaknesses of airline distribution systems are:For an online booking system, the webs ite should be well-designed to put in place a direct link to the database, which is an information storage location.It should be reliable and if the system breaks down for various reasons, then information can be lost.The initial installation is expensive and depends on how airlines tend to customize it.In a scenario where the booking is made over the phone, staff must be used to make operations in the system.A software glitch can cause one buy the same ticket twice and then one has to contact customer care and stress oneself for reversal.Not all websites include taxes and charges in the costs when one start the booking process.Initially, the government formulated the CRS rules and regulations that are focused on reducing the market power of airline-owned CRSs to prevent owner airlines from using the CRSs to gain a competitive advantage over non-owner airlines. With the use of CRSs rules, global airlines have come up with the capability of developing innovative ideas on the Internet to limit distribution. The government has also promoted innovation, particularly the growth of the internet and these innovations occurred in the framework of federal regulations (Koenig, 2011). The CRS rules and regulations have been effective in addressing biased pricing as well as getting rid of the need for the CRS rules and those anticompetitive practices enforced through case-by-case antitrust investigations.Review of Delta Airline WebsiteDelta Airline website has a navigation bar that allows ease and consistent navigation through the website. It makes the website more user-friendly, for instance, there is distinct category for current flight status. As far as the author is concerned, Delta website pages are optimized, which may be attributed to optimizing images size, file format, avoiding unnecessary plug-in, avoiding text graphics, frequent website updates, avoiding multiple tracking scripts, and removing unnecessary codes and white spaces. Furthermore, the Delta airline s earch feature is optimized in the sense that when one searches a certain thing of interest, it will accurately respond to what is requested. The effective search feature may be attributed to including plenty of written content in HTML format, leveraging website links, and not using Flash and JavaScript objects on the website. Delta website is updated as all the recent information and breaking news are displayed; however, the site does not include a refresh link as it encourages users to search for updates. The frequent update of the website materials keep visitors coming back to receive news. The author perceives to be a great idea if Delta airline develop an automatic refreshing tool to enhance updated information.Delta Airline contain an experienced comparison chart that specifies different seating options for passengers to choose, which would be the best for them. Delta Airline product descriptions is accurate, clear, and comprehensive enough to allow customers to make appropriat e decisions, and can be attributed to the inclusion of visual images, and textual labeling of the product, for example, the shop link contains different hotel images, prices, location among other things. Despite integrating contact techniques such as mobile apps, Facebook and Twitter, the author believes it is not a convincing technique to customers and it may be discriminative to the passengers who do not have a smartphone. Therefore, the author would recommend the inclusion of the mobile phone number on the website homepage that would be convenient for the users in terms of seeking help. The products are not out-of-stock products flagged before the customer proceeds to the checkout process as customer can request for another product after checking out.Delta Airline is involved in a security flight to enhance the security of domestic and international commercial air travel that requires passengers to provide specific information for many U.S. air travels. Moreover, users are capabl e of moving through the checkout process with a reasonable amount of time as the required links of the entire processes are included on the website (United States General Accounting Office, 2003). According to the authors perspective, the payment options offered are not what potential customer desire. For instance, Delta Airline cannot accept some foreign-issued Diners Club cards among others. Most of the Delta Airline tickets are now electronic so passengers receive their receipts through their email address, which would appropriate for non-buyers. Safety is also ensured as long as the Elite Special Member Services line does not mail passengers ticket to another location other than the passengers billing address on record. Finally, ordering instructions are easy to understand as the language used is simple and precise.Review of JetBlue Airline WebsiteIt is easy to navigate through JetBlue Airline by use of its navigation bar, which contains distinct, consistent, familiar, simple, clear, ordered, styled, and visually separated menus that are easy to find and get users deeper into the site experience as well. The menu buttons on the navigation bar are of high contrast colors and legible text to attract customers attention. JetBlue Airline links have speedy response, which encourages passenger momentum of continuous engagement with the website. The JetBlue Airline search feature is more effective in comparison with Delta Airline, as it brings direct information based on a passenger request and it lists them as Help Solutions on the web page. Despite the fact that JetBlue Airline has updated information, the author perceives as a critical factor of integrating an automatic refreshing button probably after some time, which will enable users to have accurate transactions. However, the author would recommend having the search feature on the top of the page for ease of usability.It is easy to compare different products offered on JetBlue Airline website, and when se arching different hotels to use, the website displays the hotels available and the price that a customer requires. The display of the prices allows passengers to compare hotels in the number of options, such as price, time for departure or meals. For example, the website displays the top deals each day across various hotels in the US that help passengers to make concrete decisions (Perkins, 2012). The JetBlue airline prod...

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Personal Statement An Analytical Thinker - 947 Words

Having my five top highest skills, which are Analytical Thinking, Creative Intuition, Critical Thinking, and Compassion. There are several ways I can influence others to be greater with my five skills. Firstly, as an analytical thinker, I can inspire others to have a deep reasoning thought in any situation to move from nothing to something. To be able to become a greater person in future without regretting any actions they make. Having creative thinking, I can empower others with the way I brainstorm ideas. Brainstorming in my field with positive results will enhance others/clients in taking further steps in their various professions to achieve advance standard level in everything they do. Reason is because, they will witness from me how being creative thinker can generate many ideas to tackle situations in different ways, and excel. To have creative intuition as skills will motivate others to achieve success in their respective profession by following what their hearts is telling th em to do; since following and trusting self-heart is worth listening to. I can influence them to be successful by asking what they have in mind, I mean, what they really wish or want to do in future. Once they say it, supporting them to follow what they think will be the next. Empower them to take they thoughts on a vision, and set the trend themselves and not to follow the others. I can empower other to be successful in future profession with compassion. I can do that by explaining how importantShow MoreRelatedEssay on Critical Thinking and Ethical Decision Making1036 Words   |  5 PagesFor example, having a full understanding, you become more independent and less susceptible to world-views that can lead to narrow-mindedness or resistance. 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His writings in A Critique of Pure Reason carry principles found hidden in the subterfuge of todays society, making Kant one of the most advanced human beings during the Enli ghtenmentRead MoreA Career in Marketing1658 Words   |  7 Pagesdata on a specific brands target. Market research can be done in-house, or a company may hire a specialized firm to conduct the research. People who might find market research a desirable field often possess both qualitative and quantitative analytical abilities, because the job depends on the ability to gather data from human subjects, crunch numbers, and interpret the results accurately. Within the field of market research are research director, research manager, analyst, interviewer and supervisorRead MoreMr. Palomar By Italo Calvino1156 Words   |  5 Pagesexhibits a unique interesting character throughout the entire book Mr. Palomar by Italo Calvino. â€Å"The odd slipper† (Page 99-101), specifically addresses a lot of Mr. Palomar’s perspectives on simple topics, it clearly shows that Mr. Palomar is a deep thinker and it conveys his habit of over complicating matters that are supposed to be simple, it is effective in highlighting the image that Mr. Palomar is a character who tends to isolate himself from the world by questioning it and examining every aspectRead MoreManagement Can Be Seen As An Ar t1469 Words   |  6 Pagestasks and have a vision to employ innovative strategies; they must also have the ability to communicate effectively. These are all things which cannot be taught and therefore perceiving management as an art in itself. strategy is a long term mission statement or visions to handle challenges and achieve ambitions on how to improve a business. Strategy can be defined as the craft of collectively rising to a challenge and accomplishing organisational advantage as a result of self-knowledge, resolve, foresightRead MoreThe Four Key Behavioral and Social Styles Essay1917 Words   |  8 Pagesrespond favorably. Improving your ability to relate with each person you deal with will increase personal and business success. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone could learn to just understand one another’s behaviors and social styles? It would make this world a happier place. The Four Different Social Styles: All of us can be put into one of the following four social style categories: The Analytical style, The Driver style, The Amiable style, and The Expressive personality styles. As you learnRead MoreMasterclass Cupcake Business Challenge Assessment1728 Words   |  7 Pagesbusiness for this Cupcake Challenge (5 marks) b) â€Å"The main concept of Operations Management is transformation† With reference to the Cupcake Challenge, clarify the meaning of this statement (5 marks) In reference to the Cupcake Challenge, the meaning of the statement, â€Å"The main concept of Operations Management is transformation†, is implying that â€Å"transformation† is the core idea involved in Operations Management. The process of transformation is defined as the conversion

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Effects Of Torture On The Society Of Modern Technology

When one thinks of torture, what is imagined? Perhaps they think of those wooden machines in the museums that they cannot even comprehend the use for, or the iron maiden, a cinematic favorite. Perhaps they don’t think of anything specific like that at all, for it isn’t a question often presented. Torture, regardless, is a gruesome term with gruesome connotations. In our progressive society of modern technology, it is thankfully an issue of the past. Or†¦ is it? It’s not, we know it isn’t. As a society of the unaffected, we simply don’t think about it. We are vaguely aware of the fact that torture once occurred in prevalence at some point in time and happens somewhere today. It did happen, and it still does. Torture is deliberate violence†¦show more content†¦12:31 where prisoners had been sawn between planks and buried to their necks, or that of II Maccabees 13:5 where Menelaus had been thrown into ashes to struggle and suffocate as he sank deeper in the soft ash; a public display (Mannix, 23). Judicial torture is a punishment regardless of what or why, as long as it classifies as torture. The words are occasionally interchangeable, as every case of lawful torture is a punishment but not every punishment is necessarily torture. Historically, judicial torture has been used for ages, albeit differing in how it is carried out today. Torture for the purpose of criminal punishment first emerged in the twelfth century in Northern Italy when prosecution done privately by popes and royalty on criminals became prevalent and under threat when their political authority became more centralized. During the remaining years of the Middle Ages, the process spread to much of Europe ( In the late twelfth century, the inquisitional procedure was introduced to papal legislation with the purpose of controlling those who strayed from the church, and eventually, this eventually extended to secular (nonreligious) crime as well. Early medieval law had more severe criminal cases dealt with by ordeal, oath, or judicial combat. The idea of it was that God would intervene constantly in the lives of people, and would so also in court. Though it was it was impractical toShow MoreRelatedTechnology Essay1161 Words   |  5 PagesIn todays world, technology is constantly changing from a new paperclip to an improvement in hospital machinery. Technology lets people improve the way they live so that they can preserve their own personal energy and focus on the really important factors in life. Some people focus their energy on making new innovations to improve transportation and the health of people that may save lives and some people focus on making new designs of packaging CDS. Technology is significant in everyones lifeRead MoreThe Theory Of Human Rights1582 Words   |  7 Pagesnatural rights of humankind, and thereby achieve continuous progress in human knowledge, technology, and society.† (Lesson I) This de scription of the change in thought is key to the development of human rights during the Enlightenment. However, the application of science based reasoning had both positive and negative consequences in this development. While there were positive changes such as the abolition of torture and slavery, reform of the penal code and an increasingly universalistic applicationRead MoreThe Probability Of Having Effective Cultural Interaction1039 Words   |  5 Pagesmore global with the help of technology, travel and education the success of these encounters will become all the more crucial. For example, America over the years has become identified as the Melting Pot because it is made up of so many people from so many different cultural backgrounds. So having effective and healthy intercultural communication with people in our country is so serious because having it or a lack there of affects so many bigger aspects of our society. It affects things like a nationRead MoreThe Positive Effec t of Capital Punishment in Modern America1642 Words   |  7 PagesRonnie Kuester Dr. Borgmeyer Eng. Comp. II 30 Sept. 2010 The Positive Effect of Capital Punishment in Modern America â€Å"I don’t think you should support the death penalty to seek revenge. I don’t think that’s right. I think the reason to support the death penalty is because it saves other people’s lives† (Bush). Capital punishment is one of the most controversial topics in the American society and is also one of the topics most people feel very emotional about. Everyone feels that their views areRead MoreDiscipline and Punish: a Critical Review. This Is a Summary of Michel Foucaults Seminal Work on the History of Criminal Punishment and Social Discipline as It Transformed from Punitive to Correctional Models During the2913 Words   |  12 Pages------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Overview The main ideas of  Discipline and Punish  can be grouped according to its four parts: torture, punishment, discipline and prison. [edit]Torture Foucault begins by contrasting two forms of penalty: the violent and chaotic public torture of  Robert-Franà §ois Damiens, who was convicted of attempted  regicide  in the mid-18th century, and the highly regimented daily schedule for inmates from an early 19th century prisonRead MoreLook, Up On The Screen!: The Popularity Of Superhero Films875 Words   |  4 PagesPopularity Of Superhero Films A common trend in modern day film is the recent popularity of movies based on comic-book superheroes. This trend has the potential to become very commonplace or eventually fizzle out in the near future. The superhero film genre has existed for over 20 years, but didn’t grow to epic proportions until the 2000 release â€Å"X-Men†. The popular characters of the Marvel magazine had been confined to comics or television because the effects required to bring them to a believable likenessRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s Nineteen Eighty Four1879 Words   |  8 Pages â€Å"1984† and Technological Surveillance Technology is one of the most essential and impactful parts of human life, it makes life much easier and faster. However, if technology is misused it could endanger human life. In the book â€Å"Nineteen Eighty-Four† by George Orwell, he describes a society under constant surveillance and control by their government. The government in â€Å"Nineteen Eighty-Four† uses technology as a tool of surveillance to control and maintain its power. ThereforeRead MoreThe Effects Of Totalitarian Government In George Orwells 19841928 Words   |  8 PagesImagine a world where no one could live without fear. Given the thought of this, one might presume that the society is dangerous and is repleted with criminal activity. However, the reality is that the government is mentally holding their citizens captive by imprisoning them into a world that dissuades one from acting on impulse. Everywhere where interactions occur between citizens lay technology that monitors everyone s actions whi ch prevent many from expressing themselves. Even one’s children areRead MoreA Brief Note On The United Nations General Assembly Issued The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights791 Words   |  4 Pagesindividuals have to right to equal protection, liberty to travel, form a family, acquire property, freedom of expression, and freedom of religion. Under this report, no individual will be subject to cruel, inhuman, or undignified treatment, punishment, or torture (Alexander, 2010) Although, rural individuals suffer from poorer health and nutrition, lower incomes, fewer employment opportunities, fewer transportation options, and less adequate housing due to the scarce resources in the region. Rural countiesRead MoreEssay Television and Its Impacts on Society 1171 Words   |  5 Pagesin watching television. Essentially, the argument is whether TV is a beneficial societal force or is it simply a convenient, yet detrimental, outlet for entertainment. One major proponent of the view that watching television is beneficial is technology writer Steven Johnson. In a 2005 New York Times Magazine article, he praises the progress the television industry has made in recent decades. His basic argument is that as opposed to programming roughly 20 years ago, one must now be an active

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What the Futures Holds for Marijuana Essay - 2038 Words

Marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a plant that is consider one of the many illegal sustains. Marijuana is a plant that clams to make people addicted like other drugs like meth, cocaine, and other harmful sustains. Marijuana has been refer as pot, grass, reefer, weed, herb, mary jane, or mj by National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). (34) When mentioning of this plant, it cause sirs among the public about the dangerous use of the plant. The news media portal marijuana as harmful plants that changes people for the worst. For the past years, states has proposal to legalize marijuana for medical purposes. While other states has taken the actions of making the plant completely legal. With the change of the laws changing, marijuana has†¦show more content†¦Throughout the years, marijuana play a major role in parts of the world. It had play a role of healing patients. According to Clare Wilson, a scientist, had support this fact by stating, â€Å"The plant is used in traditi onal medicine all over the world to relieve pain and muscle spasms.† (64) Not only the earliest people know the existent of the plant, but also made use of the plant as well. If the earliest people were comfortable of using marijuana as a medical use, then it shouldn’t be illegal to begin with. The earliest people didn’t have to rely on any medication pills since all they needed was just marijuana to make them feel a lot better. Marijuana became dub as an illegal pant by congress in 1937, called the Marihuana Tax Act, which stop the use of marijuana as a commercial use. (Katel 534) Ever since the act was passed, it was impossible for people to research on cannabis. Over time U.S. citizen had grown more interest in the use of marijuana. Base on the Federal Bureau of Narcotics agent reported in 1965, they have concluded that, â€Å"From what I have read and heard, it would appear that the reported increased and widespread use of marihuana by college students could be attributed in part to the influence of Allen Ginsberg and persons of his ilk.† (Katel 534) Base on those facts, it tell that college students were indeed using marijuana. By 1978, the first state that legalize marijuana for medical use was in New Mexico. The reason for this to happenShow MoreRelatedShould Marijuana Be Allowed For Medical Marijuana? Essay736 Words   |  3 PagesCalifornia was the first state to sign for medical marijuana, ever since then 22 more states have joined. Now in 2015 the current states allowing marijuana as a medical option are, California, Alaska, Oregon, Washington, Maine, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, Montana, Vermont, Rhode Island, New Mexico, Michi gan, Arizona, Washington DC, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Illinois, New Hampshire, Maryland, Minnesota, and lastly New York. Medical marijuana is a plant made of over 400 natural compoundsRead MoreMarijuana is use in bible Genesis where they gave mankind the power over every land, sea, and1400 Words   |  6 PagesMarijuana is use in bible Genesis where they gave mankind the power over every land, sea, and animal not mention every seed bearing plant. Marijuana is a seed bearing plant. Marijuana is used in world religious. Coming from different back ground with stereo type family background has allowed me to see the effects that drugs can have on someone life. Many Americans college students is discovering and adapting to the world around its association with social marijuana is creating some problems forRead MoreStudies and Reports of The National Institute on Drug Abuse871 Words   |  4 Pagesdrugs. And then will talk about the future surveys and what the NIDA predicts what will happen in the future. Also what the NIDA found that was reported by the work place resource and how employees who are on drugs do not have a good work performance to employeed who are drug free. First I will be discussing high school and youth trends among teens today and in the past years. In the beginning 90’s drug use amongst teens and was very low, such as using marijuana. Also back then the risk or side effectsRead MoreEffects of Teen Marijuana Use Essay1339 Words   |  6 PagesSchumann Mrs. Taube English 11 16 April 2014 Teens and Marijuana According to a 2012 Monitoring the Future study, marijuana is the illicit drug most likely to be used by teens (Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey). Marijuana comes from the plant Cannabis Sativa and appears as a green/brown mix of flowers, stems, and leaves (Teens Health 1). Marijuana is also known as pot, weed, MJ, Mary Jane, reefer, dope, ganja, herb, and grass. Marijuana is most often smoked in cigarettes, hollowed-out cigarsRead MoreAll My Life I Have Heard Just Say No To Drugs. You Hear1520 Words   |  7 Pagesare not yours. As for the case of marijuana, I don’t agree. I think marijuana is no more dangerous f than drinking or smoking regular cigarettes. I see marijuana as a recreational drug. A drug that is legal in some states and not in others sounds crazy to me. Just as we had, prohibition with alcohol will have with marijuana but I see it as a losing battle. I for one will be happy when marijuana is legal in all states. Why legalize marijuana, I say why not. Marijuana is referred today’s as a MainstreamRead MoreLegalizing Marijuana For Recreational Use1362 Words   |  6 Pageslegalize marijuana for recreational use. Similar to the age limitation set for buying and consuming alcohol and smoking of tobacco products, Colorado has set the age limit for recreational use for adults who are at least twenty-one years of age and over to use an ounce of this drug. According to the website, the drug marijuana is defined as a greenish-gray mixture of the dried, shredded leaves and flowers of Cannabis sativa—the hemp plant. After two years of legalizing marijuana, ColoradoRead MoreMarijuana Legalization Essay1077 Words   |  5 Pagesare popping up across the country, and many individuals are unaware of what they house. In the past, these structures may have been home to a granite cutter, a screen printer or a business of another type. Today, however, they now house a medical marij uana operation, such as the one in a suburb just south of Boston. This building is currently being rented by Ermont, a medical marijuana company.   The legalization of marijuana has upset many citizens, as is defies societal norms in the eyes of numerousRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Illegal Drugs?967 Words   |  4 Pagesfamilies. Well I once had a belief until one day that all changed. Her name was Marijuana. Many people hold extreme views regarding drugs, especially illegal drugs. Anti-drug individuals often present a view of all illegal drugs as horrendous and without any redeeming qualities. I used to be this individual. Before my newfound discovery I believed marijuana usage was unacceptable , while despising the users. I perceived marijuana as a gateway drugs to other harmful dangerous drugs and a narcotic that honestlyRead MoreEssay about Medical Marijuana Should Be Legal936 Words   |  4 Pagesfor medical purposes? Well for an illegal drug like marijuana, that is the question. There are currently many people who use marijuana legally to suppress their illness. Marijuana should be allowed for medicinal purposes. But one of the arguments is that there are alternatives to using marijuana such as medications that come in pills, solutions, shots, or drops. There is no prescribed drug today that is smoked. Another concern is that marijuana is illegal is the United States. Making it a medicineRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?957 Words   |  4 PagesMarijuana has been and continues to be a topic of major discussion in the United States. Until recently marijuana was only available in select states to people who have legitimate medical conditions and whose doctors believe that they could benefit from marijuana use. Recently however, both Colorado and Washington have both passed legislation allowing the sale and use of marijuana for recreational purposes for adults 21 years of age and older. These recreational marijuana legislations hold major

Human Population And Its Effects On The Worlds Population

Over the past 50 years the human population has grown exponentially, and as the world’s population continues to increase. A Lot of research has been done by climatologists around the world directly linking the effects of population growth to increased CO2 emissions. I will provide data behind the negative externalities linked with these increased CO2 emissions and how they are linked to overpopulation. Even though it’s a well known fact that the U.S is one of the largest contributors of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere its population is still relatively small compared to the rest of the world. Many developing countries population’s such as China and India for example, are growing extremely rapidly, and though this may not have been a problem in the past. Because these developing countries and their population didn’t produce very many emissions or contribute to the CO2 emissions in a significant way. However, in the modern day this massive new influx of people all want to live the American lifestyle which involves excessive consumption of luxury goods. This never ending consumption is a huge cause of why we push so many CO2 emissions into the air. Americans drive their cars everywhere, they power their air conditioning in the summer and their heat in the winter. All of these needs of the average American are often very unnecessary but extremely convenient, not to mention aside from the convenience. Our massive production and booming oil industries got us rich so we couldShow MoreRelatedOverpopulation Is A Serious Problem1442 Words   |  6 Pageshealth in today’s world but the one that seems to be the greatest threat to the entire world is overpopulation. Overpopulation is a serious problem that is having an extreme effect on the health of every citizen of every country. The problems caused by overpopulation could even prove to be a fatal epidemic to the human population. Oftentimes overpopulation is overlooked due to a lack of knowledge or simply because many government officials have dismissed overpopulation and call it a myth. OverpopulationRead MoreAnalyzing The Issues Of World Overpopulation1413 Words   |  6 Pagesoverpopulation The current population on Earth is around 7 billion people, statistics show that by 2050 the world will reach to about 8 – 11 billion people. If we look back on the progression of the world and its increase in population you will currently find that the world population is growing rapidly, this leads to the fearful effect of overpopulation. Overpopulation is the number of the existing human population that exceeds the capacity of the Earth. Progressively the human population continues to growRead MoreOverpopulation can be described as the failure of the world’s resources to sustain the population.1600 Words   |  7 PagesOverpopulation can be described as the failure of the world’s resources to sustain the population. The limited natural resources have increased challenges for countries facing this. This paper covers the effects of overpopulation in the world today. The current worlds population is approximately six billion people, and the amount of time that it takes for the population to increase by another billion is decreasing with each billion. It is estimated that they will be about eight billion people byRead MoreThe World Is Growing At An Amazing Rate1521 Words   |  7 Pagessometime† (Baum). And the era we live in, is an era in which the biggest threat to human well-being, to other species and the earth, is the human existence itself. The blasting increase in human population means that with every increasing life, the demand for food, fresh water, energy and a whole lot more other items will increase simultaneously. The world is growing at an amazing rate. Currently, the Earth’s population is growing by 60,000 people every eight hours; that’s two children born every secondRead MoreEnvironmental Crisis1553 Words   |  7 PagesCrisis of Population Growth, of Wasteful Consumption of Resources, and A Crisis of Apathy and Inaction. An environmental crisis is an emergency concerned with the place in which every human lives - the environment. A people crisis is an emergency with the community that inhabits the world environment. A crisis of population growth is a turning point where the environment can no longer sustain the amounts of people which it contains. A crisis of apathy and inaction is one where the human race cannotRead More Population and the World Hunger Debate Essay999 Words   |  4 PagesPopulation and the World Hunger Debate The correlation between over-population and growing world hunger has become a controversial topic in today’s society. Concerns of population expansion, world starvation, and environment destruction are matters of debate and are of much concern for their outcomes affect everyone of society. The world is home to an estimated 6 billion people with more than 80 million additions every year. With this astonishing growing rate of population it is necessaryRead MorePositive Impacts Of The Modern Revolution1063 Words   |  5 Pagestime period of acceleration by which human activity has been the dominant influence in shaping the climate and environment around us. As our world’s most recent threshold, the Modern Revolution contributes to new complexities, such as a globally connected human society. It also allows for an increased in new opportunities and inventions that would benefit humanity as a whole. The Modern Revolution is a positive force because of its favorable impa cts on the human society. First of all, the Modern RevolutionRead More Overpopulation of the Earth Essay1698 Words   |  7 Pagesare nearly 6 billion people in the world. The world’s population has more than tripled in the span of a hundred years. Given that the earth’s population is constantly on the rise and seeing as how our natural resources are gradually being depleted, we must ask ourselves: what is to become of us and what is to become of our environment? In order to understand this question we must first have a thorough understanding of whether or not there is a population crisis. Having understood this, we must thenRead More Effects of Overpopulation and Industrialization on the Environment1402 Words   |  6 PagesEffects of Overpopulation and Industrialization on the Environment Throughout history, the world’s population has expanded in an extremely exponential fashion-- taking over three million years to achieve a one billion person benchmark, it then only took 130, 30, 15, 12, and 11 years to reach subsequent billions, respectively. (Southwick, 159) Such a massive and still increasing population, combined with the environmentally detrimental repercussions of industrialization (as a result of the needRead MoreAlgae and Climate Change: The Complex and Integral Relationship between Biology and Weather1564 Words   |  6 Pagesresult of greenhouse gas emission form the burning of fossil fuels. This is far from a simple cause-and-effect system, however, given the global scale of the issue there are necessarily many factors that interact in complex manners to changes in atmospheric gases and to the Earths climate. Understanding the manner in which other biological agents counteract, contribute to, and/or are affected by human impacts on the climate and t he climate overall is essential to understanding the larger climate change

How Does Othellos Attitude Towards Desdemona Change free essay sample

How does Othello’s attitude towards Desdemona change towards the end of the play? Throughout the play Othello’s feelings for Desdemona seem to change, from feelings of pure adoration to jealousy and betrayal. However, one thing remains constant, an intense passion in his emotions towards her. To begin, in the extract Othello uses a high volume of religious lexis to explain his pain at what he believes Desdemona has done (committed adultery with Cassio). From lines 47-52 Othello describes how he would rather contract any ‘affliction’ than to be betrayed by Desdemona, this implies that he now believes his love for Desdemona has turned into a disease that is destroying his strength (could also be related to the fits he suffers and bouts of insanity towards the end). Also these lines are a direct reference to the Old Testament (Book of Job) and this may have been picked up on by many of the highly religious audience during the period it was written in; making the meaning behind his words more comprehendible and relevant. We will write a custom essay sample on How Does Othellos Attitude Towards Desdemona Change or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, as the extract progresses, Othello’s language deteriorate dramatically into a crass and vulgar tone, much like the instigator of the situation, Cassio. The torrent of religious terminology (which perhaps could be conceived as a more educated and upper class tone) is abruptly ended when Othello calls Desdemona an ‘Impudent Strumpet’, this is a sign that Othello has given up beating around the PROVERBIAL BUSH and is now willing to confront Desdemona’s actions in order for her to admit it. The word ‘strumpet’ was a more commonly used word for ‘whore’ during this period and certainly would have shocked the audience (as it still would today). The fact that this name calling is done using exclamatives way implies Othello’s anger towards his wife. This scene in itself is really the first occasion in the play that Othello confronts Desdemona regarding the suspicions of her so is written in a different context to another episode in the play where the two share a drawn-out conversation, Desdemona’s murder, for example, here though, Othello is interrogating her, not yet sure himself on what he believes, this becomes apparent to the audience between lines 70-80, when it seems as if Othello’s levels of anger and fury are rising, the constant use of repetition through rhetorical questions; â€Å"What committed? shows Othello’s paranoia, shows he is really verbally attacking her and right now has no feeling of trust towards Desdemona. An obvious episode in the play to compare to sets of lexical choices between Othello and Desdemona is in Act 5 scene 2, where Othello smothers Desdemona, much has happened in the plot between these two episodes and that becomes instantly apparent when observing the dialogue. The length of sentences is clearly on contrast to Act 4 scene 2, this is showing the sheer level of their heated argument, also that they are not really thinking about what they are saying anymore, especially in Othello’s case, who clearly now has no regards left for his once love Desdemona’s feeling, ordering; â€Å"Down strumpet! †. It is also fair to say that the two episodes are written in completely different context to each other, Act 4 scene 2 Othello is quizzing Desdemona for the first time, his sentences are long and declarative, whereas Act 5 scene 2, being the climax of the play, Othello has seen all of his ‘proof’ that Desdemona has committed adultery and has had his mind made up, will no longer take anything Desdemona has to say into consideration, as he is blinded by furious rage.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Human Resource Practices and Innovation †

Question: Discuss about the Human Resource Practices and Innovation. Answer: Introduction: In the modern era, employees or staff members are considered as most vital and valuable assets of any business enterprise. Furthermore, the smooth and effective functioning of human resources results in providing a competitive advantage to organizations(Ketchen Jr, Crook, Todd, Combs, Woehr, 2017). At the same time, employees also contribute to long-term growth and sustainability of companies. However, it can be critically argued that effective management of human resources is not an easy task as organizations are required to deal with various problems and challenges. The present study is based on The Social Support Agency (SSA) which is a government based agency. The main role of this agency is to provide support to individuals regarding counselling, social work, income and other related areas. This report outlines the main HR issues which have been faced by The Social Support Agency. In addition to this, the HR activities which can support in dealing with the issue and getting competitive advantage are also mentioned in this study. The Social Support Agency offices are mainly located in regional centres and metropolitan areas of the country. All the employees working in this agency emphasize on delivering adequate support services to clients and customers. Furthermore, it can be stated that the assistance is provided in both monetary as well as non-monetary form. As per the provided case scenario, areas such as Eastwood are facing issues such as high degree of unemployment. The role of The Social Support Agency is to provide financial and consultancy support and assistance to unemployed people in the best possible manner. Over the past few years, the Social Support Agency is now facing several issues linked with the management of human resources. The provided case outlines that the critical issue which has been faced by The Social Support Agency is related to the aging workforce. It can be stated that the as compared to young employees, the aging workforce is less productive(Liu, Gong, Zhou, Huang, 2017). Increase rate of the aging workforce is a grave concern for all the organizations operating in the country. The rationale behind this is that companies face difficulties regarding hiring skilled and talented personnel. On the other side of this, aging workforce is also not able to contribute the desired amount of output in growth and success of organizations(Welch Bjrkman, 2015). Regarding The Social Support Agency, aging workforce is a grave concern because it will create obstacle for the agency regarding delivering fast, effective and satisfactory services to all its clients. Another issue which has been faced by The Social Support Agency is linked to the attracting quality candidates to deliver adequate services to all employees. It is expected that the majority of the employees with the agency are about to reach their age of retirement and thus, the agency will face problem linked with a shortage of workers. It can be stated that areas such as sales, profitability, and growth will be affected adversely due to the shortage of employees within the agency(Stone, 2013). The provided case scenario also outlines that lack of efficient and strict HR policy has also become a fundamental problem of The Social Support Agency. For example, the agency has employed six new people for its office located in Eastwood. However, after few days a new employee named Maryam resigned from the post. The main reason behind her resignation was that she was getting physically assault and verbally abused by the clients of the agency. At the same time, Anti Muslim comments were made against her, and this affected her morale and motivational level workforce. On the other side of this, practices such as threat, abuse and discrimination were also carried out within the workplace. This can be justified by the example of Joseph who explained that other staff members working in The Social Support Agency have racially abused him. However, it can be argued that Joseph was not at all interested in reporting the issue and make a big deal of the same. The HR department of the agency was not at all aware of these issues and this created problems for the entire agency(Varma, 2013). In the end, the HR received two more notice of resignation including Joseph and one other guy. In the modern era, effective and strict practices are essential for long-term growth and success of an enterprise. Furthermore, if the employee issues are not taken seriously, then the business may face obstacles regarding accomplishing their aim and objectives. The rate of employee turnover tends to increase in situations where HR related issues are not taken seriously(Tracey, et al., 2015). It has been found that abusive and rude behaviour of clients was an ongoing problem within The Social Support Agency and the manager Geoff explained that the best way to deal with this issue is to ensure that the new employees do not come in direct contact with these clients. However, it can be critically argued that the suggestion provided by the general manager Geoff cannot be considered as a long-term solution to the problem(Klikauer, 2014). It is required by the top and middle-level management to develop effective strategies and action plans to deal with these issues in the best possible man ner. Apart from this, opinion and suggestions from workers can also be taken into consideration to define strategies and plans for future growth and success of The Social Support Agency. The benefit of encouraging suggestions from employees is that it will create sense of satisfaction among staff members and will encourage them to give their best towards long-term success of the agency. HR activities which need to be put in place It has been observed that there are different types of issues which have been faced by The Social Support Agency. For example, the abusive behavior of client is an ongoing process, and it has affected the overall morale level of workers. To deal with this issue, a client policy can be developed and implemented by the agency. Here, the organization should mention the expected behavior from clients(Armstrong Taylor, 2014). At the same time, all the customers and clients should be asked to read the policy and sign the same before making use of the services offered by The Social Support Agency. In addition to this, the policy should also highlight the fact that in case if any of the clients abuse or behave unprofessionally, the agency has the authority to cancel the services on urgent basis. The case of Maryam outlines that she was being abused by the client of The Social Support Agency. At the same time, other staff members were also worried and affected by the things which happened with Maryam. It has now become mandatory for the business enterprise to develop and implement a strict policy which reflects acceptable behavior from clients or customers. On the other side of, the HR manager, general manager, and senior management is required to emphasize on carrying out training and development sessions for workers(Cristiani Peir, 2015). In the modern era, training sessions have become essential for the long-term growth and success of a business enterprise. It can be expressed that these sessions help workers to enhance their skill set, knowledge base and become more productive. In addition to this, training and development sessions also play a vital role in increasing the core competencies of staff members. In the context of The Social Support Agency, the training sessions can be provided with an objective to make employees learn the client handling tactics(Marchington, Wilkinson, Donnelly, Kynighou, 2016). The given case scenario outlines that dealing with abusive clients is part and parcel of the job within The Social Support Agency. Thus, training sessions will help workers to learn how they can handle rude and abusive clients in the best possible manner. The general manager working in The Social Support Agency explained that it is possible that the client will take out their anger and frustration on employees. It is recommended that imparting training sessions is the best and long-term solution to the problem of agency. Here, employees can be trained to remain calm and react neutrally in situations where the client is getting rude and abusing the staff members. The managers should ask and encourage employees to use their listening skills in the best possible manner. The high frustration and stress level of customers can also be solved by apologizing with clients(Meyer Xin, 2017). However, it can be critically argued that staying calm and apologizing is not an easy task and it is a kind of tactic which employees working in The Social Support Agency needs to learn. Racial discrimination in the workplace is another major issue which has created obstacles in accomplishment of long and short-term objectives of The Social Support Agency. In the modern era, discrimination by factors such as age, race, background, color, etc. have emerged as the biggest problem for both employees and employers(Solnet, Kralj, Baum, 2015). The best and most potent way to deal with the issue of discrimination is of implementing anti-discrimination policy with the workplace. Furthermore, the hard and soft copy of the policy should be forwarded to every employee working in the agency. At the same time, the policy should emphasize on taking strict action against the staff members who indulge in carrying out discrimination practices within the workplace(Nieves Quintana, 2016). The management should also communicate the fact that the employees who participate in racism will be facing serious consequences. Another effective strategy which can be implemented by The Social Support Agency to deal with the issue of discrimination is by focusing more on operating with a diversified workforce. Here, the selected agency will be required to make sure its workplace is racially and ethnically diverse. The benefit of operating with a diversified workforce is that it will help in creating a high degree of customer satisfaction(Nickson, 2013). The Social Support Agency will be able to gain a competitive advantage in the long by focusing on the development of a diversified workplace. The rationale behind this is that companies with diversified workforces can serve clients and customers in more satisfactory manner. It can be expressed that incentives and rewards should be offered to employees who support in maintaining diversity within the workplace in the best possible manner. The agency should also focus on areas such as employee development and coaching to gain competitive advantages over the other business operating in the marketplace. The reason behind this is that The Social Support Agency will be able to attract more new customers and retain old ones as developed workers can offer fast and satisfactory services to all customers. It is suggested that The Social Support Agency should also emphasize on developing and implementing an employee feedback and review system(Sparrow, Brewster, Chung, 2016). In the present scenario, taking feedbacks from workers at regular intervals directly contributes to both short and long-term success of the organization. On the contrary of this, it can be critically argued that only taking feedback will not help in accomplishing the long and short-term objective and the agency will be required to take corrective actions against the reviews provided by the staff member. The system of feedback and review will allow the company with an opportunity to identify the loopholes and issues in the existing system. At the same time, it will also help in identifying the challenges faced by staff members at the workplace(Mahajan, 2015). Based on the information collected, measures can be taken by The Social Support Agency with an objective to develop higher degree of satisfaction among all workers. Conclusion From the above report, it can be concluded that The Social Support Agency is facing various issues and challenges linked with the management of human resources. Furthermore, these problems have resulted in increasing the rate of employee turnover and have also affected the moral level of all staff members. It can be inferred that implementing client behavior and anti-discrimination policies are two major steps which can be taken by The Social Support Agency to deal with the challenges and issues. In addition to this, focusing on training and development of workers is another strategy which can be employed by the business. References Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. London: Kogan Page Publishers. Cristiani, A., Peir, J. M. (2015). Human resource function strategic role and trade unions: exploring their impact on human resource management practices in Uruguayan firms. . The International Journal of Human Resource Management , 381-400. Ketchen Jr, D. J., Crook, T. R., Todd, S. Y., Combs, J. G., Woehr, D. J. (2017). Managing Human Capital. . The Oxford Handbook of Strategy Implementation, , 283. Klikauer, T. (2014). Human resource management and Kohlbergs scale of moral development. . Philosophy of Management , 73-95. Liu, D., Gong, Y., Zhou, J., Huang, J. C. (2017). Human resource systems, employee creativity, and firm innovation: The moderating role of firm ownership. . Academy of Management Journal , 1164-1188. Mahajan, J. P. (2015). Managing Human Resources. . Noida: Vikas Publishing House. Marchington, M., Wilkinson, A., Donnelly, R., Kynighou, A. (2016). Human resource management at work. . London: Kogan Page Publishers. Meyer, K. E., Xin, K. R. (2017). Managing talent in emerging economy multinationals: Integrating strategic management and human resource management. . The International Journal of Human Resource Management , 11-15. Nickson, D. (2013). Human resource management for hospitality, tourism and events. Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge. Nieves, J., Quintana, A. (2016). Human resource practices and innovation in the hotel industry: The mediating role of human capital. Tourism and Hospitality Research . Solnet, D., Kralj, A., Baum, T. (2015). 360 degrees of pressure: The changing role of the HR professional in the hospitality industry. . Journal of Hospitality Tourism Research , 271-292. Sparrow, P., Brewster, C., Chung, C. (2016). Globalizing human resource management. . Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge. Stone, R. J. (2013). Managing human resources. Milton QLD: John Wiley Sons Australia. Tracey, J. B., Hinkin, T. R., Tran, T. L., Emigh, T., Kingra, Taylor, J., et al. (2015). A field study of new employee training programs: industry practices and strategic insights. . Cornell Hospitality Quarterly , 345-354. Varma, A. (2013). Managing human resources in Asia-Pacific . Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge. Welch, D., Bjrkman, I. (2015). The place of international human resource management in international business. . Management International Review , 303-322.

Friday, April 17, 2020

UN Security Council and World Order

Introduction After the world wars I and II, many leaders of the world saw the need of putting in place proper laws and institutions to govern the world in a manner that would make it very difficult for another world war to happen.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on UN Security Council and World Order specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One of the key steps towards this direction was the establishment and strengthening of the United Nations, so that it could have the power and means of maintaining law and order in the world. This assignment is a discussion of how and why the United Nations, through the United Nations Security Council has been attempting to manage world order and why and how it has been unsuccessful. Discussion The term world order or new world order as its popularly known as, is used to refer to a bureaucratic system of governance of the world which advocates for global governance in disregard to tradit ional State sovereignty which advocates for national governance (Slaughter, 2005). The term has its history from what was referred to as â€Å"illuminati† which was the movement responsible for the French revolution as well as revolutions in Europe (Stauffer Williamson, 2005). Recently, new world order has taken the form of institutions which have global influence, appeal and presence like the United Nations and its affiliated institutions as well as the so called Breton wood institutions (Balogun, 2011). One of the key UN affiliated institutions which has been trying to propagate and manage the idea of world order is the United Nations Security Council, which is concerned with global security. The UN, through the UN Security Council has been in the fore front in attempts to have a world which is centralized in terms of governance, administration, justice as well as in terms of trade. The main idea behind the centralization of world’s governance is that such a world w ould be safer to live in, especially after the September 11 terror attacks on the United States. It is worth mentioning that the United States actually controls the Un Security Council due to its veto power. In fact, many international relations analysts have argued that there is actually no difference between the United States and the UN Security Council. A good example to illustrate this scenario is the US led invasion on Iraq in 2003, in which the Security Council was unable to prevent the US from doing the invasion, despite the fact that there were no enough justifications for the invasion.Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In its attempts to manage word order, the UN Security Council has been employing the strategy of carrot and a stick, in which countries of the world, especially the developing ones are given aid with strings attached. In some situations, they are re quired to relinquish part of their sovereignty to international bodies like the international criminal court and several other international treaties and conventions. Those counties which fail to comply are not only slapped with economic sanctions, but also military actions as well. Why the UN Security Council attempts have been unsuccessful The initial intention of establishing and maintaining world order was good. But due to the politics of domination between the rich and the poor nations of the world, the idea has been faced with enormous challenges, which have made the UN Security Council strain without much success in the management of word order. It seems that there has been a growing resistance to the new world order which attempts to concentrate resources and power around the ruling elite and the bureaucrats at the expense of the common persons or citizens commonly referred by Karl max as the have nots (Milanović, 2010). For instance, the recent uprisings in Arabic count ries like Egypt, Libya and Tunisia were seen by many as an indication of civilian unrest and discontedment with the status of affairs in many countries which tend to pursue, propagate or support the ideology of a new world order. The unrest in these countries led to the ousting of the ruling bureaucrats, who had taken the advantage of the capitalist ideology to propagate inequality, lack of fairness and equity between various segments of the society which exists in form of social classes, with the upper social class enjoying the benefits of capitalism in form of surplus, as the low social class suffer from poverty, unemployment and lack of basic social amenities (Milanović, 2010). There have also been grassroots movements in form of civil society organizations which are formed by countries’ non-governmental sector. These civil society organizations have been working in a coordinated manner to push governments of countries to respect human rights, provide health care and e ducation to the citizens. The idea behind the formation of civil society organizations is to empower the common citizens with information about their rights and the responsibilities of governments (Barlow, 2003) The universal declarations of human rights agitates for the universal respect of human rights, civil liberties and freedoms like the freedom of worship, movement and expression. These rights and civil liberties advocated for by the civil society have the potential of affecting the stability of the new world order, especially in the fight against terrorism, which is thought to succeed under the limitation of some of the civil liberties and political rights as stipulated in the United States Patriotic Act enacted after the terrorist attacks of United States in 2001 (Abele, 2005).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on UN Security Council and World Order specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The international criminal system of justice is intended to curb impunity and the violation of basic fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens. It is aimed at detaining and punishing leaders who violate the rights of their citizens. This has happened especially for countries like Rwanda, Yugoslavia among others. However, the court has been explained by many critics as being characterized by double standards between the rich and poor nations. The impact of the international court system on security is that many countries of the world are improving their political systems to become more democratic instead of dictatorial or authoritative. This to some extend has led to increased freedom of expression of citizens which in a way has reduced the grip of the rich nations on the power to control and manipulate the resources of the world. Economically, the grassroots movements have been able to lobby for increased opportunities for countries to do business with each other. The movements have also been very instrumen tal in pushing governments to offer business opportunities and provide friendly loaning facilities to citizens. The world trade organization has been in the fore front in lobbying for increased interaction between nations in terms of doing business. It has also been working closely with individual governments to stream line their loaning facilities to be more friendly and accessible to many citizens (Barlow, 2003). The World Bank and the IMF have been working hand in hand with the world trade organization to offer financial support to the developing countries to fight poverty and disease, like Hiv/Aids and malaria. These institutions have empowered many poor countries to boost their levels of education, health care and overall, their economies. The economies of the poor countries have been improving from time to time, thereby reducing their dependency on the rich countries. This has been compromising the establishment of a new world order because the number of countries which may be manipulated for the gain of the rich countries is declining. Technologically, the grassroots movements and institutions have been working hand in hand with governments to be more open to technology transfer. Many countries of the world are now adopting the use of technology, especially the information communication technology like the use of the electronic mail, the use of the mobile phone networks as well as the use of electronic money transfer systems like wire transfer, money bookers, western union, PayPal among others (Chorafas, 1988).Advertising Looking for essay on international relations? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The use of information communication technology and the internet has enabled people to improve the way in which they communicate to each other in many sectors. In the trade sector, many people have been able to do business in various countries due to improved use of information and financial technology. Doing trade and business nowadays has become more efficient and convenient than ever, which has been advantageous to the economies of the poor or developing countries. In the education sector, information technology has opened up more opportunities for people to do research and improve their academic qualifications in a friendly, convenient and efficient manner. This has led to increased literacy levels in many countries, which has got a positive impact on the economy of many countries because many people are able to understand the nature of business transactions and how to undertake business in a sustainable manner. This has consequently worked against the establishment of the new w orld order in which the rich states are able to consolidate resources and opportunities at the expense of the poor countries. At the global level, the advancement in technology has been a growing concern especially the advancement of nuclear energy. Some emerging economies in Asia and Middle East are increasingly embracing nuclear technology as an alternative to the use of coal, crude oil and natural gas as sources of energy. The use of nuclear energy is presumed to be environmental friendly and to possess the ability to generate massive energy to power the growth of economies of countries of the world. However, the use of nuclear technology has been a growing concern to the United States especially in regard to the issue of misuse of nuclear technology. The fear is that nations like North Korea, Iran and Syria which are perceived as having a hidden agenda in their nuclear programs and described by the previous US president George W. Bush as â€Å"axis of evil† may use their nuclear technology to harm the United States, its allies and the world in general. Nuclear energy may lead to nuclear terrorism. It may also have serious negative implications on the environment especially in regard to the disposal of nuclear waste if not properly managed. All these nuclear related issues are perceived as working against the establishment and strengthening of the new world order in which the elite concentrate the possession of technology and even the energy used for boosting economic productivity in countries of the world. If the poor, emerging or developing economies are allowed to pursue nuclear energy, they will not only act as potential terrorist threats but would also act as serious competitors of the advanced economies like the United States and members of the European Union and the establishment of the new world order as well. Conclusion Throughout the discussion in this assignment, what has emerged is that the powerful States have been attempting, through th e United Nations Security Council to establish a bureaucratic arrangement of world’s governance in which the elite would be controlling world’s resources and power. The main idea behind this has been to ensure that the super powers maintain the status quo in terms of world’s politics, economy, culture and technology through the propagation of their ideologies and influence to the less powerful nations of the world. However, there has been a lot of challenges in establishing the new world order, which have to some extend compromised the economic, political, cultural and technological security of the rich nations. The discussion may be summed up as a competition between the bureaucrats and the common person, whom, through the assistance of grassroots movements and institutions has been empowered to rise up and challenge the exploitations and discriminations which comes with the establishment of a new world order. The United Nations Security Council has also been h indered by the presence of many non-governmental organizations, which work in partnership with governments of the developing world to empower the citizens with education, which is a very important tool in fighting the rich nation’s imperialism. Education has enabled many countries in the developing world to embark on research, especially on agriculture and technology, which has enabled them to become self-reliant in terms of food and technological advancement. This has denied the rich nations, through the UN Security Council an opportunity to propagate the idea of world order, especially through giving aid to these countries, with some strings attached. Reference List Abele, R.P.(2005). â€Å"A User’s Guide to the USA Patriot Act and Beyond†. Oxford OX2 6DP: University Press of America. Balogun, M.J. (2011). Hegemony and Sovereign Equality: The Interest Contiguity Theory in International Relations. Oxford OX4 2DQ: Springer. Barlow, A.L. (2003). Between Fear and Hope: Globalization and Race in the United States. Lanham, MD: Rowman Littlefield. Chorafas, D.N. (1988). Electronic Funds Transfer. Wellington Square: Butterworths. Milanović, B.(2010). The Haves and the Have-Nots: A Brief and Idiosyncratic History of Global Inequality. Oxford OX2 6DP: Basic Books. Slaughter, A.M. (2005). A New World Order. Woodstock OX20 1TW: Princeton University Press. Stauffer, V., Williamson, B.J. (2005). New England and the Bavarian Illuminati. Oxford OX1 3BN: The Invisible College Press, LLC. This essay on UN Security Council and World Order was written and submitted by user Margaret D. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.